Animals Rodent Interesting and useful July 21, 2016 7:00 AM Rats vs hamsters Rats and Hamsters have been popular pets for children for a long time, with many who own Rats swearing that they make better pets for kids. In this article we will look at the pros and the cons for both to help you decide are rats really better for kids than hamsters? And if so, whether your next family pet should be a rat instead of the more widely adopted hamster.
Animals Cats Health & Nutrition June 20, 2016 10:00 AM Dark Spots on the Eye in Cats Corneal sequestrum occurs when the cat has dead corneal tissue (or dark spots in the cornea). It usually is caused by chronic corneal ulceration, trauma, or corneal exposure. Corneal sequestrum can affect all breeds, but is more prone in Persian and Himalayan breeds. In cats, it usually begins during their middle-aged years. Symptoms and Types The dark spots in your cat's cornea may remain unchanged for long periods of time, and then suddenly get worse. Listed below are some other symptoms you... more
Animals Rodent Interesting and useful October 22, 2016 7:00 AM Pet Armadillo When you think of an armadillo you probably don't think about a pet but they have a following all their own. A few different kinds of armadillos are kept as pets around the country and each has their own unique characteristics.
Почему фекалии моей кошки пахнут так плохо? Кошки используют свою мочу и фекалии ,чтобы пометить свою территорию. Их предки либо закапывали какашки, чтобы спрятаться от хищников, либо не закапывали какашки, чтобы убедиться, что их территория хорошо обозначена — и вонючая. В то время как родители домашних животных очень любят своих кошек, эта привычка позволять всем понюхать кошачьи какашки нежелательна. И если какашки вашей кошки особенно вонючие, это может быть невыносимо! Вы можете задаться вопросом: Почему какашки моей кошки так плохо... more
Animals Cats Health & Nutrition September 13, 2016 7:00 AM Why do kittens hiccup? A hiccupping kitten is one of the cutest things around, but it can also be quite distressing for a concerned pet parent. It's natural to want to keep your tiny new companion safe, so it doesn't surprise me to hear a cat lover ask questions like “Why does my kitten hiccup?”, “is it normal?”, and “How can I make the hiccupping stop?”