Animals / Fish / Interesting and useful

Can aquarium fish recognize their owners?

Fish are not typically given credit for being especially smart or for possessing a good memory. They don’t have a large brain capacity and most of their time they spend searching for food. But perhaps we have underestimated their abilities.

Domesticated fish for a long time increased their abilities that allowed them to interact with the owners.

It has been proven that the most familiar of them, crucian carp, goldfish and fighting fish, perfectly recognize their "master", the person who cares about them more than others, and thus distinguish him from other people.

Their ability to detect a person and form an emotional bond is limited compared to more highly organized mammals such as dogs or cats.

We don't expect the same kind of involvement and devotion from them. However, each fish can have its own personality and ability to interact with a person. This standard is met by the conditions of keeping, the level of socialization and the amount of time that you spend interacting with the fish.

Fish can react to the presence of their owner moving towards him, for example, when he brings food or is near the aquarium.

Can a fish love their owners?

To this day, no study proves that fish truly love their owner, however research shows that fish have feelings, and they are able to recognize their owners. Therefore, it is very likely that the fish are able to love their owners, if they are kept correctly.

Can fish hear when you talk to them?

Fish hear very well and react very quickly, especially since sounds travel through water three times faster than through air. But a very small percentage of sound from the air penetrates into the water.

Fish perceive the waves transmitted by water, they hear various vibrations when you walk or tap on the aquarium glass.

As far as voice is concerned, it is very unlikely that you have been heard unless you are speaking directly into the water.

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