Animals / Other species / Interesting and useful

Jellyfish Lake

The incredible Jellyfish lake is located on the Palau island, in the South Pacific Ocean. This unusual place attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world.

The lake is quite small (460 by 160 meters) salsuginous pond separated from the ocean by a strip of land about 200 m. The amazing lake appeared about 12 thousand years ago. For all this time, in the absence of natural enemies, the jellyfish members are counting to grow to about 2 million creatures.

One of the most incredible things about this place is that jellyfish living there are safe for humans. They do not have a sting and are not poisonous to humans. Their bite does not cause any harm, so we can swim among these jellyfish without any health risks.

Jellyfish in this pond have no natural enemies at all. That is why, their numbers are constantly growing, and they can reach large sizes. Jellyfish Lake is home for two species of these representatives: the Golden Jellyfish and the Moon Jellyfish - both species cannot sting you. This specific species of jellyfish has evolved without their stingers. The jellyfish in the lake live on algae that are attached to them.  Since they live off of algae, they don’t need their stingers to catch prey.

The water in this unusual lake consists of two layers that never mix to each other. Scuba diving in the lake is prohibited. This happens for two reasons. First, the bubbles from the scuba tanks can harm the jellyfish if they gather under their bell. Secondly, high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide are observed about 15 m below the surface, which can penetrate the diver's skin and cause death.

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