WCF has more than 370 single organizations, distributed worldwide, also in the United States. WCF is an internationally operating federation, officially registered in the registration court in Germany. WCF participates in the consultations of the European parliament in Strasbourg, it is co-responsible in the development of animal protection laws by working in the corresponding working groups installed by the legislative organs and participating in parliamentarian hearings. A member of WCF, whether a single club or an federation, acts independently in his business.
International judges with WCF judge permission are educated according to internationally implemented rules. WCF judges must always adhere to certain rules. WCF has examinations only for an entire hair category. The inviting club is responsible to check the appropriate hair category, if it is certified on the judge's keycard. A WCF-judge may act as judge only in those hair categories certified on his keycard. The hair categories, LH, SLH, SH, SOSH and AB for all breeds, are certified in the last line of the keycard. If there is any discrepancy, please contact the office of the WCF directly.
Responsibility of the WCF:
The WCF website: http://www.wcf-online.de/