Until recently, wild seahorses have been considered to be difficult to keep alive in captivity. Attempts to settle these creatures in an aquarium ended unsuccessfully. These specimens usually died within a few months, either from starvation or infections.
But, once researchers determined how to breed them in captivity keeping seahorses in an aquarium long term became doable. Unlike wild-caught individuals, captive-bred animals readily take hand-fed food and have more stable immunity.
There are over 40 types of seahorses. In the wild, these creatures live in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters throughout the world, but among them only a few species are suitable for keeping at home. The most common are: Common seahorse (Hippocampus kuda), Linear seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) and Pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus zostera).
Where to keep?
These marine creatures will require a large aquarium at least 45 cm tall. Seahorses prefer to move up and down in the aquarium rather than side to side. They are not strong swimmers, so they do not like strong water movement. In addition, they definitely need to catch on with their tails so they don't have to be constantly swimming. Artificial corals or plastic aquarium plants work well for this.
Seahorses have a short and very primitive digestion tract, which can result in undigested food at the bottom of the tank. To prevent water quality problems, you will have to clean the aquarium much more often than with regular fish.
What to feed?
Seahorses should be fed at least twice a day. The best food for them are small frozen crustaceans and shrimps.
Can they get along with neighbors?
Seahorses are easier to care for in a separate aquarium. But if you wish, you can add other inhabitants to them. Snails and hermit crabs are good neighbors.
When adding fish, it should be borne in mind that seahorses are not fast and aggressive feeders, so their neighbors should be slow, cautious eaters.