Animals / Other species / Interesting and useful

What butterfly can pretend to be an "owl"?

The Owl Butterfly is an adorable specimen that lives in the tropical forests of Central America. They get their name from the large spots on each wing that resemble an owl's eyes. These spots are not decorative, they are a defense mechanism that scare away birds and other predators. This species belongs to the family of large butterflies from the genus Caligo.

There are several species of owl butterflies, but not many color variations among them: they can either be brown or tan, and some may have yellow or orange borders on their wingtip. All these butterflies are quite large, with a wide wingspan of up to 20 centimeters and long antennae.

Owl butterflies are nocturnal. These solitary butterflies usually emerge during the early morning hours or at dusk because they can’t fly very far, making them easy prey for predators. Therefore, they only appear once most animals are asleep.

Can these butterflies be kept at home?

The butterfly owl is a great option for those who prefer exotic pets. These insects quickly get used to a person and after some time can even sit on a hand.

To keep a tropical butterfly at home, you need to maintain comfortable conditions for it:

* the temperature in the room should not be lower than 24-25 degrees

* humidity must be maintained at least 70%

* you need to feed the insect at least once a day with overripe fruits: bananas, peaches, plums

In the wild, these unusual butterflies live for about one month. At home, they can live longer - up to two months.

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