Buying a pygmy monkey, also known as a marmoset, may be an amazing experience. However, it is important to prepare in advance before get this one of the smallest monkey in the world.
Appearance and character
Marmosets are so small that they can easily fit on a human’s hand. Their weight sometimes does not reach even one hundred grams, their height is 20-25 cm maximum. The monkeys have a long tail, which helps them to maintain balance when jumping from branch to branch.
Nature has endowed monkeys with the ability to turn their heads 180 degrees to control the surrounding situation.
Depending on the species, marmosets have different colors. It is usually silver-gray soft fur forming a small mane around the animal's head. The thin tail has dark and white horizontal stripes, resembling the tails of lemurs. Monkeys have five fingers on their hands and feet, with which they tenaciously clutch at objects.
Marmosets are sociable animals. They become attached to their owner and demand to spend a lot of time with them. These monkeys quickly get bored and can hardly endure loneliness. Therefore, such an animal is definitely not suitable for busy people who spend little time at home.
What is needed for proper care and maintenance?
The first essential item you will need for a comfortable stay this small monkey is an appropriate enclosure. This should be large enough for your monkey to move around comfortably, with plenty of climbing space for them to explore. Ideally, this should include several levels or platforms, so they can jump from one area to another.
The enclosure should also have several hiding places where the animal can hide if it feels threatened or stressed. Furthermore, it is important that the enclosure has adequate ventilation so that the monkey does not overheat on hot days.
In addition to a suitable home for the pygmy marmoset, you will also need toys and treats specifically designed for primates.
What to feed?
Marmosets are predominantly herbivorous monkeys. But they can make up for the lack of protein with animal food. Their diet includes: berries, fruits, young shoots of plants, green leaves, beetle larvae, moths and other small insects.
It is important to ensure that the monkey always has enough water. Marmosets have a great need for water because they are very energetic by nature and always on the move.
In wild conditions, monkeys live for about 10-15 years, and at home with good care, they can live up to 22 years.