Jellyfish are the oldest known multicellular organism. They came to earth before dinosaurs and have been in existence for over then 500 million years. As you know, jellyfish can be dangerous to humans because of their sting, which causes burns and discomfort. However, jellyfish may be useful to humans in other ways.
Medicine and cosmetology. Scientists recently started to study jellyfish, in 20th century. Today they have discovered their ability to adapt and regeneration. This gelatinous animal is a goldmine for medical and biochemical researchers, which hope to use their features for treatment.
It turns out that human collagen was found in jellyfish. It is used as an artificial treatment for skin burns, as a culture medium in cytology, and as an effective anti-wrinkle treatment in cosmetics.
Nutrition. Some species of jellyfish are not only safe to eat, but also a good source of several nutrients, including protein, antioxidants, and minerals such as selenium and choline.
In some countries, jellyfish are used for cooking. In Japan, China, Korea and other Asian countries, jellyfishes are used as an ingredient in various dishes.
Environment protection. Currently, sewage treatment is inefficient in trapping microplastic due to its nominal size. However, the studies show that jellyfish mucus is efficient in binding microplastic. Consequently, biofilters reinforced with mucus are implemented in sewage treatment plants and factories with microplastic.