Order — Galliformes.
Family — Phasianidae.
Subfamily — Tetraoninae.
Genus — Tetrastes.
Species — Tetrastes bonasia, Tetrastes sewerzowi.
It is a sedentary species, breeding across northern Eurasia as far east as Hokkaido, and as far west as central and eastern Europe, in dense, damp, mixed coniferous woodland, preferably with some spruce.
Outward appearance
Body length: 40–58 cm.
Weight: 1.2–1.3 kg (male), 0.9–1 kg (female). Juveniles are lighter. Adults’ weight tends to increase progressively northwards in Finland.
Body plumage: dark.
Wings: pale stripes.
Wingspan: 65–80 cm.
Tail: lyre-shaped.
This bird feeds on the ground, taking mainly plant food, supplemented by insects when breeding. Features During the mating season cooing and tuneful babbling calls, which form a continuous chorus when performed by several birds in the same courtship display site. These calls are occasionally interrupted by a loud, harsh whistle.
The nest is on the ground, and 3–6 eggs is the normal clutch size. The female incubates the eggs and cares for the chicks alone, as is typical with gamebirds.
Salmonella, Trichomoniasis, Aspergillosis, Avian pox, Mites and Lice, Lyme Disease.