History of occurrence
Ceylon – the only cat breed, bred in Italy. First cats whose home is considered to be the island of Sri Lanka, brought here in Milan, Paolo Pellegatta veterinarian, but in 1980 this breed was officially recognized by the International Federation of cat lovers.
In Russia, Ceylon breed yet little known, exhibition of cats of PCA. In Moscow, Ceylon cat breed was first introduced in 2004, the year
General form
The Neva Masquerade cat is a grand breed with a strong, muscular body and pleasant disposition. This tall cat possesses a dense triple coat with a sizeable neck collar, which makes it invulnerable to extreme cold of Russian winters. It achieved international recognition only in 90s of the XX century but it has already earned appreciation of thousands of cat fanciers from all over the world
Отличительная особенность породы Ceylon cat
Head is rounded, short and broad, with prominent cheek bones.
Forehead is slightly flattened.
Profile is slightly curved.
Chin and lower jaw are solid.
Ears are large. They are broad at the base with slightly rounded tips and high and narrow set.
Eyes are large and set wide apart. The upper edge of the eyes is almond-shaped, the lower round. The eyes are bright yellow to green.
Body is small to medium sized with broad shoulders and hips and well developed chest.
Legs are slender and of medium length.
Paws are rounded.
Tail is short and solid. It tapers to a rounded tip.
Coat is very short, fine and of silky texture. It is close lying to the body and has little undercoat.
The back and the flanks are evenly ticked without stripes or spots.
On the back, the legs and the tail is a clear pattern with stripes.
The stripes may be open on the neck.
On the belly there are two rows of spots.
The tail tip is evenly coloured with the colour of the ticking.
Ceylon cats are very active, their mobility is sometimes puzzling, since virtually all of their affairs, it tries to use his master.
She also likes to play in the company of someone else, so it is best to keep these cats in a pair, then the two of them will be able to entertain each other, but this is optional.
These cats are very balanced, they are amazingly quiet and peaceful.
Love the tenderness and affection, if they feel that some even quite a stranger to them experiencing good feelings, just go to his hands with a request “to scratch behind the ear
Maintenance care
Caring for a cat Ceylonese is not difficult, all the basic care is regular feeding. She can live in almost any conditions, regardless of whether or not the large room, as long as it was warm and cozy bed, where you can spend the cold winter evenings and nights in the company of his beloved master
Lifespan — 13-18 years.
Cat likes to play in the company of someone else, so it is best to keep these cats in a pair, then the two of them will be able to entertain each other, but this is optional.
High sociability with strangers.
These cats are very balanced, they are amazingly quiet and peaceful.
Difficulty keeping
The breed is easy going and may be kept and bred without any problems.
Ceylon cats have natural good health.