Head: the head is wedge-shaped, broad and moderately short with gently rounded contours from both side to side and front to back. The curve at the back of the skull flows smoothly into a well-defined neck of medium length and in proportion to the body. Allowance should be made for jowls in entire males. Cheeks: rounded and of good breadth and in proportion to the breadth of the skull. The junction of the nose, cheeks and inner corner of the eyes form a definite depression on either side of the bridge of the nose. Jas/Foreface: jaws are broad at the jaw-hinge and taper to a blunt muzzle. Nose leather and chin are flanked by well-developed whisker-pads, such that the nose leather, chin and whisker pads give the impression of a four-leaf clover when viewed from the front. The desired balanced open, generous expression is achieved when the whisker-pads and jaw area of the foreface approaches the same breadth as the width between the outer corners of the eyes. Nose/Profile: nose is broad, moderately short and of uniform width. In profile there should be a concave curve below the line of the eyes and a convex curve above that line flowing into the curve of the forehead, the two parts of the curve being of equal length. No distinct nose break. Chin: level with the upper jaw such that the chin forms a vertical line from the nose leather to the bottom of the chin; firm and of sufficient breadth when viewed from the front to complement the nose leather. Ears: moderately large, broad at the base with rounded tips and tilted slightly forward; spaced well apart such that the outer edges of the ears continue the line of the wedge flowing up from the cheeks, and with rounded top of head of generous proportion between. Eyes: large and lustrous, the upper lid is gently curved the lower lid is a fuller more generous curve, set wide apart and slightly obliquely to give a soft, open gentle expression. Desired colour delicate shades of green from chartreuse through to aquamarine. In kittens the colour develops from various shades of gold, generally with a green outline, therefore allowances must be made for age and development.
Body: medium to large in length, feeling substantial and muscular and heavier than it appears; chest broad and gently rounded. The back has a broad arc over a rounded rump, which is distinct from the more obvious curve over the shoulder blades and flowing into the well-defined neck.
Legs & paws: legs are slender yet proportionally strong, hind legs slightly higher than forelegs. Paws are neat and oval in shape.
Tail: long and thick with minimal taper to a rounded tip, well furred and should balance the body, reaching to the shoulder when curled gently around the side of the body.
Coat texture: short to medium in length, with a texture that is dense and resilient with some degree of undercoat, top coat feels smooth and silky, displaying a glossy shine indicative of good health and condition. Coat pattern: the pattern of the Australian Mist is distinct and a key feature of the breed. The “misted” effect is caused by agouti invasion of the overlying darker pattern and has been deliberately selected for to give the overall impression of a pattern softened at the edges and merging slightly into the agouti ground. All markings are delicate, though distinct from the paler agouti ground, which provides a misted background. Coat colour: in all cases the overall colour should be rich and warm, paler on the under-parts of the body and with darker rufus tones on nose, cheeks and ears present even in the pale colours. Chocolate, Lilac, Cinnamon (Gold) and Fawn (Peach) coloured kittens are very much paler than adults, with the rufus tones dominating the body markings. Full colour develops in an adult cat of approximately 2 years old.
Free , flexible , balanced.
Height — 25-30 cm. Weight — 4-7 kg.
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