Animals / Dogs

The Syrian Spadefoot


Order: anura Family: pelobatidae Genus: pelobates Species: pelobates syriacus 


The Syrian spadefoot is native to a vast area from Eastern Europe to Western Asia. The habitat comprises Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Syria and Turkey. These toads are very common in Iran. They are considered to be extinct in Jordan. These toads prefer woodland, scrubs, semi deserts and dunes. They like loose soil where they can dig burrows but they can also be found in rocky areas and on clay soils. 

Outward appearance

An adult Syrian spadefoot toad reaches the length of about 9 cm. They have smooth skin with numerous warts. A Syrian spadefoot has a big head with flattened top, big protruded eyes and vertical narrow pupils. Males have large glands on their front legs that enlarge during the mating season. Their front feet have four toes and the hind feet have five toes that are webbed. Hind legs are short and have yellowish bony tubercles, or spades, at the end (hence the name of the species). The coloration can vary; often these toads are pale gray with big greenish spots. The belly is pale gray too. 


At daytime, especially when it is very hot, Syrian spadefoot toads hide in the ground. They are excellent diggers and their bony “spades” help them digging. They are capable of digging a burrow 10-25 cm deep. Sometimes they use as shelters burrows of other animals or they hide under tree roots, driftwood or rocks. They hunt at night. 

Maintenance care

Syrian spadefoot toads require a large shallow water bowl. The water temperature has to be 8 to 15 degrees, and larvae need 15-20 degrees to develop. These toads breed in warm and clean water with pH 6,5-8,6. 


These toads eat insects and their larvae as well we other small invertebrates such as crustaceans and snails. 


Skin glands of Syrian spadefoot toads produce a toxin that is poisonous for small animals and causes skin irritation in people. 


Most toads have tapeworms. 


The migration of the adults to the breeding ponds takes place from March till April depending on the temperature. This species usually has an explosive reproduction which lasts for few days. They usually reproduce in temporary pools with shallow water. Eggs are laid under the form of relatively long strings. The tadpoles can reach very large sizes up to 15 cm. 
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